Flying to Return in Warlords of Dreanor

by on Jun 10, 2015

After stating that flying would never be available in Draenor, Blizzard has recanted and will allow players to take to the skies again.

Just a few short days ago, Blizzard announced that flying would never make an appearance in the Warlords of Draenor expansion. This announcement firmly divided the community, with players either outraged or thrilled at the announcement. Posts about the topic sprung up on  forums, blogs, community sites, and chat channels to express their views both for and against flying. It seems that someone was listening. In a Dev Watercooler post by Ion Hazzikostas, it was announced today that flying WILL be allowed in Warlords of Dreanor. However, it won't be easy to obtain. Here are the details:

A new meta-achievement entitled Draenor Pathfinder is being introduced on the Public Test Realm and will be released with Patch 6.2. This achievement will require you to master the Draenor outdoors by doing the following (and more):

Exploring Draenor Zones Raiding the Tanaan Jungle reputations to Revered Completing Draenor Loremaster Collecting 100 Draenor Treasures Securing various other achievements

Upon completion of this achievement players will receive the Soaring Skyterror mount, but that is not all. In a small follow up patch, after 6.2 is released, players who have completed this achievement will be able to unlock flying in Draenor on all their level 90+ characters.

While flying in Draenor will be time consuming to earn, I believe it strikes the perfect balance to satisfy both those who are pro and anti flying. Be sure to check out the Dev Watercooler post for even more details on flying in Draenor!

Last Updated: Mar 15, 2016