Former Microprose Developer Helping to Open New MMO Company

by on Mar 05, 2009

If you don't know who J.W. Stealey is, and you played early PC games you probably would recognize his work with F-19 Stealth Fighter and F-117 Nighthawk. He's now jumping back in the fray as part...

If you don't know who J.W. Stealey is, and you played early PC games you probably would recognize his work with F-19 Stealth Fighter and F-117 Nighthawk. He's now jumping back in the fray as part of a team focused on the development of military and espionage themed MMO games. Kotaku landed an interview with him to talk a little more about it:

"I was at the Pentagon, and I knew about the stealth fighter before anyone, because I was on active duty and had the secret clearance, and I thought "Hey, I can't tell anybody about it, but I can make a game about it, because that's my business." And the day that it was announced, I was sitting at the Pentagon, and I got an 8 o'clock call telling me they were going to announce the stealth fighter today at 1PM, and I went, "That's really cool, because we're shipping 100,000 units of F-19 Stealth Fighter today."

Check out the entire interview and find out more details about this new developer here.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016