Former SOE and Blizzard Execs Form Molten Games Studio

by on Jul 24, 2013

<p>NCsoft fronts multimillion dollar investment for new San Diego-based game development studio that will focus on creating premium online gaming titles.</p>

NCsoft has dropped a multimillion dollar Series A investment to aid in the start-up of Molten Games, a new game development studio that will focus on the development of premium online games. Some of the key players behind the new studio are industry veterans that have done previous work with a number of online gaming studios.

A few of the key names include Molten Games Chief Product Officer Paul Della Bitta, who former senior director of global community development and eSports at Blizzard Entertainment, and VP of Creative Development Blaine Smith, which you may know from his work as PoxNora lead designer. Heading up the studio is CEO and co-founder Jungwon Hahn, who previously worked with Blizzard and EA.

While no announcement of a game has been made as of yet, the press release stated that the studio will focus on “breaking free from the traditional developer/publisher relationship and putting gameplay first and foremost.” The studio’s first game will be announced at a later date once the team has filled a few vacancies.

“We created Molten Games in order to truly have control over our game development and IP, and we’re going to create something epic,” said Jungwon Hahn, CEO and co-founder of Molten Games. “Our team understands not only the creation of online games, but the ongoing management of them, better than anyone else in the industry. As we continue to build our team and work on our initial product, gameplay and player experience is going to come first with every decision.”

GamesIndustry International also had a chance to speak with a couple of the studio’s founding members earlier today. You can read the full interview and visit the Molten Games website to learn more.

Sources: Press Release, GamesIndustry

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016