Former Subscribers Can Return to RIFT for Free This Week

by on Jul 24, 2012

<p>Telara is opening its gates once more to welcome former players back to <em>RIFT</em> through Sunday.

If you have an inactive RIFT account sitting around, this week is your chance to dust it off and return to Telara to see what’s new. Trion Worlds is once again opening the game up to former subscribers starting Wednesday, July 25th through Sunday, July 29th. As an added bonus to some free game time, RIFT is also hosting a weekend of Conquest events that could earn you a few exclusive titles.

Check out the Conquest Weekend events page for more and head over to the RIFT website to return to Telara.

Source: RIFT Returning Subscribers: Play free July 25-29

Last Updated: Mar 14, 2016