Frontline Artists Network Opens

by on Jun 25, 2008

<p>The European website for Richard Garriott's Tabula Rasa has a new feature.

The European website for Richard Garriott's Tabula Rasa has a new feature. The Frontline Artists Network (F.A.N.) is looking for your artistic submissions, be they creative writings, original art or wallpapers. The best submissions will be featured directly on the website. Now's the chance to put down that chaingun, and pick up a pencil to express your feelings on the ongoing war.

Take a moment or two to ponder the beauty (or harshness) of life when you are not on the battlefield and write Tales of Valour or stories that will feature in Soul of a Soldier, draw Recon Art or assemble Terminal Wallpaper. Be the ones who will be known to have created the most inspired pieces of art that will be celebrated in the millennia to come.


Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016