Gamers2 Accuses SK Gaming of Attempted Poaching

by on Jul 14, 2015

With Nick Allen gone, fining CLG may no longer be the answer.

Edit: Jebus has responded to the statement from Gamers2. After reading this article, we strongly encourage you to read what the player has to say, right here.


Earlier today, Gamers 2 management posted an open letter to Riot Games on their website. The organization best known for its founder Carlos "Ocelote" Rodriguez has voiced their displeasure in the lack of protection for Challenger teams, specifically their inability to hold on to their players. While there are very strict rules regarding poaching of players on LCS teams, organizations in the Challenger Series are offered no such protection. This isn't the first time someone has spoken out, but Gamers2 did not hesitate to point fingers at the people they feel have taken advantage of this the most.

Furthering the drama surrounding Renegades owner Chris Badawi, Gamers2 states that he poached their star AD Carry Mohammad "Jebus" Tokhi by essentially convincing the player that since he is a lawyer, he should be the only one that Jebus trusts. This led to the player leaving G2, though he apparently he later came to regret his actions, offering to pay the club the remainder of his earnings with him (approximately 2,500€, or $2,750 US.)

What might be more surprising is the accusation that SK Gaming (who has their own drama stirring right now) reportedly attempted to sign the entire Gamers2 roster as their own Challenger Series team, according to the letter from G2 management. This would be an incredibly bold move, and one that SK might have made in preparation for their main squad's departure. Once again, this raises a very valid point: How, exactly, can Challenger team owners protect themselves and the organization when LCS teams are free to essentially take away their players as they see fit?

There are clearly flaws in the system, and one can only hope that Riot Games sees these issues, and works swiftly to correct them. In the meantime, we can only offer our sympathy to the owners of Challenger teams, and hope that they receive the same level of protection as their LCS counterparts soon.

Last Updated: Mar 21, 2016