GenCon GamerGod Interview

by on Sep 16, 2005

GamerGod posts their GenCon floor conversation with Dave Eckelberry and Alex Rodberg!

GamerGod posts their GenCon floor conversation with Dave Eckelberry and Alex Rodberg! Instancing, massive city of Stormreach, Advancement Moments, Artifacts, rare items, secret interface features being cooked, and Danger Zones are among the items discussed! Read the full interview, here.

A bit on the "danger zones":

While there is some solo content, D&D is traditionally a game you play with a group of friends, and we're following that model. That doesn't mean you need to have a group to play with before you start. You can meet other players in town, or you can go into a danger zone that lets individuals and parties cooperate on a larger objective. But the primary experience is still about a party of characters with complimentary abilities.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016