Guild Wars 2: Berzerker Elite Specialization Revealed For Warrior

by on Aug 19, 2015

ArenaNet have finally revealed details for the warrior elite specialization and ZAM got the scoop.

Zam have today released details of the warrior elite specialization: the berzerker. In their exclusive reveal, including a brief interview with Robert Gee they detail the new mechanic (you go berzerk) as well as an overview of what the elite specialization offers.

Unsurprisingly, the Berzerker still uses adrenaline but it’s a little bit different to the warrior. In addition to that, he gets a full set of Rage skills as well as two new torch skills. Here’s a quote from ZAM relating to the F1 skills:

The burst skills—default as F1—are dependent on the weapon the warrior is using in their main-hand and every burst skill will have a new primal version available while going berserk. To complement the lower adrenaline bar, these primal burst skills will have lower recharge times compared to their non-berserk counterparts allowing them to be used much more often.

Although that alone doesn’t sound too exciting, the burst skills do sound fun and there’s a couple revealed in the article.

Skull Grinder will replace the mace’s Skull Crack burst skill while going berserk. Skull Grinder will still disrupt the target, but will do so for a shorter duration. In return Skull Grinder will additionally inflict multiple conditions on the target.

Lastly and rather than me dissect Zam's hard work, you can also find a full bank of screenshots for the elite specialization here and as usual, there will be a live stream of the Berzerker on this weeks Points of Interest.

What do you all think?

Last Updated: Mar 21, 2016