Guild Wars 2 Dev Blog Examines the Jotun

by on Jan 25, 2012

<p><em>Guild Wars 2’s</em> Ree Soesbee offers some insight into the history of the ancient giant society known as the jotun.

Guild Wars 2 Writer and Lore & Continuity Designer Ree Soesbee has posted a new dev blog detailing the history and lore of the jotun, the last remnants of an ancient society of giants. The jotun once proclaimed themselves rulers over the Silverpeak Mountains, but infighting and arrogance tore the society apart, leaving it a shadow of what it once was.

Over the centuries of their existence, the jotun have fallen far from their state of grace, losing command of technology and magic they once utilized, and remembering their place as kings of the land only in legend and story. While jotun leaders struggle to reclaim ancient glories and grasp lost power for themselves, most scholars believe that the glory days of the ancient giant-kings are lost forever.

Learn all about the jotun in the latest Guild Wars 2 dev blog.

Source: The Savage Pride of the Jotun

Last Updated: Mar 14, 2016