Guild Wars 2 Expansion to Launch Late October

by on Aug 28, 2015

GW2's Heart of Thorns will launch late October, revealed today, with a press conference being held at PAX tomorrow with even more juicy details (streamed on Twitch).

It looks like Guild Wars 2 Heart of Thorns will be launching October 23, 2015 and more details about the launch are expected at tomorrow's PAX press conference. GW2 Heart of Thorns will be containing lots of amazing content, the new Revenant profession, and more and you can even pre-purchase it now, including a $99 ultimate edition that contains tons of gems and other goodies. There honestly isn't much more to discuss in this news post, since, the date is really all that's relevant. I will say that I think it's cool that it's near Halloween and Paris Games Week. PGW draws in more than a quarter million visitors yearly, but I'm not even really sure if ArenaNet has ever went.

BlizzCon is also the week after. So maybe it's a strategic thing where they're aiming to launch in a way that Blizzard can't really counter launch anything to take attention away from the expansion. The short lead up (less than two months), plus it'd be silly to launch something so close to BlizzCon for Blizzard. MMOs often have to deal with Blizzard's products launching at or around their release times, so that's an interesting choice of a date.

For those of you interested, the presentation will be hosted on the GW2 Twitch channel at 10:30AM PST tomorrow. Be sure to tune in!

Last Updated: Mar 21, 2016