Guild Wars 2: John and Eric Answer Your Items and Loot Questions

by on Oct 07, 2010

We recently posted an article <a href="">on loot in <em>Guild Wars 2</em></a> in addition to an article discussion <a href="

We recently posted an article on loot in Guild Wars 2 in addition to an article discussion microtransactions in GW2 after the community began discussing the cost of "transmutation stones." Well it seems ArenaNet has decided to answer some questions about loot, transmutation stones, and more. Let's have a look.

It appears that players will have the ability to craft in GW2 which is a big change from the original GW which did not have any form of crafting (beyond take x items to an NPC to get a reward/item). Tailoring has been confirmed as a profession, which is really nifty for all of those light armor wearing members of the Tyrian assault force. Armor will have bonuses on it and will contain a single upgrade slot which can be fitted with any kind of upgrade material. An example given was the crest which is for light armor.

The big question on everyone's mind was then answered:

Q: What exactly are transmutation stones and how do they work?

Eric: Transmutation stones are really about taking the appearance of an item you love and making a new similar item you find look the way you want it to look. Transmutation stones are consumable items with a single charge that allow you to take two weapons or armor pieces and create a new piece of equipment that combines the look and stats that you want from each piece. If you really like the look of a particular shortbow, for example, but you’ve acquired another short bow with better stats, you can use a transmutation stone to merge the look of your old bow with the stats of the new weapon.

Transmutation stones have nothing to do with finding max stat gear. All weapons and items will be available through normal play over the course of the game.

From this and other questions we can take that ArenaNet is listening to player feedback and is not rushing out to steal everyone's money with the hopes of good looking gear. There won't be any potato sacks for high level gear and flowing robes when you first start out and it seems there is a chance that ArenaNet will let you obtain the stones through the game.

Well that's the Q&A as it appears. All of it looks like some pretty good stuff. Come on over to our community forums and share your thoughts!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016