Guild Wars 2: Meet the Chronomancer On Today's Points of Interest

by on May 01, 2015

Later today ArenaNet will be taking to Twitch to show off Guild Wars 2's mesmer specialization for the first time.

If you missed our news article yesterday, ArenaNet revealed the first specialization for Guild Wars 2: Heart Of Thorns. The Chronomancer uses the manipulation of time and on paper, it sounds amazing. Fortunately we don't have to wait very long to see it in action as the first playthrough with it is being streamed on Twitch later today. At noon Pacific Time the Points of Interest livestream will be showcasing a demo. As to how long that demo will be and what we'll actually see, no one knows. Regardless, you can gaurentee if nothing else that the Twitch chat will be entertaining. 

Guild Wars 2 Live Stream

Last Updated: Mar 14, 2016