Guild Wars 2: Necromancer Specialization Teased

by on May 11, 2015

As is becoming customary on a Tuesday, ArenaNet have teased the next specialization reveal and it's the necromancer.

What do we know from the teaser image that we didn't already? Absolutely nothing. Besides the fact the four-fingered asura is wearing a hood and holding a greatsword, the specialization could be absolutely anything. As someone who has recently discussed the necromancer at length, I'm really hoping to see some mobility, cleave potential and group support. The necromancer is a very seflish profession at the moment that does single target damage well but very little else. [edit] To clarify, necromancers do have AOE potential but once again it's direct damage related rather than providing additional benefits to those around the necromancer.

If we get shouts that buff and deal damage, I'll be very happy. We'll keep you posted on the specialization announcement when it arrives on Thursday. 

Last Updated: Mar 15, 2016