Guild Wars 2 Tidbits

by on Mar 10, 2015

After PAX East, it's surprisingly quiet on the Guild Wars 2 news front. I've rounded up a few choice cuts.

Its been a few days since I covered any Guild Wars 2 news and despite PAX East having come and gone, there was very little new as a result of the game show. There were a few nuggets of information that some of the fans managed to coax out of the ArenaNet staff, but nothing concrete. Despite that, here’s a few pieces of information that have caught my eye this week.

First up, there’s going to be no patch today. There were rumours that there would be, bringing about a whole host of changes to Stability, but the timeline to me always looked crazy. A red post has basically said the usual: it’s coming, we just don’t know when.

If you’re also after a store update, there won’t be one today either.

There’s two articles from Dragon Season that I think you should all check out. The first is a spot of fan-fiction by Northerner and the second is a guide on how to go about creating Carapace and Luminescent armor. Both pieces of content are awesome and well worth reading. I know fan-fiction isn’t for everyone, but I think Northerner has done a great job using the game screenshots to accompany his writing.

Lastly, If you’ve been living under a rock, you might not know that Guild Wars 2: Heart Of Thorns is playable at Rezzed, in London, on Thursday. If you’re going - so am I! Make sure you drop me a tweet @PersistentWorld


Last Updated: Mar 15, 2016