Heroes of the Storm Chromie Spotlight

by on May 10, 2016

Chromie will be the newest Warcraft Assassin to join the Heroes of the Storm roster.

Yesterday evening Blizzard finally released the long awaited Chromie Spotlight video. Highlighting all her skills while also discussing her role, strengths and weaknesses, the video highlights a versatile and fun Hero. I have to admit, I'm really looking forward to her release but do have some concerns. Her range, alongside Li Ming, is the longest in the game and will make her a huge headache to deal with.

There's also the fact that Dragon's Breath (her AOE ranged attack) doesn't have a targetting circle, meaning the enemy team won't know where it'll land. That sounds both annoying and entirely unpredictable. Lastly, her time-reset Ultimate ability (Temporal Loop) will ensure no one can ever escape her or a team fight. We'll see how she plays out when she's released. 

Last Updated: May 10, 2016