Heroes of the Storm Hotfix Patch Notes - Oct. 14, 2015

by on Oct 15, 2015

Another round of bug fixes!

A new hotfix has been deployed for Heroes of the Storm. Here are the full details for exactly what was included:

Bug Fixes


For players with Simplified or Traditional Chinese input languages installed, switching display modes will no longer cause the IME keyboard UI to disappear. The issues mentioned in this post were addressed on the Scaling Test Map. Sgt. Hammer, The Lost Vikings, Rexxar, Diablo, Nova, Li Li, and Kael’thas are now available for testing and feedback. End of game surveys will now have more descriptive text. Fixed a translation issue with the name of the Cursed Hollow Scaling Test Map.


Heroes and Talents

Fixed an issue that allowed Illidan to cast The Hunt with a reduced cooldown. Leoric’s Reanimation talent will now gain stacks from Health Globes gathered by allied heroes. Olaf’s Large and In Charge ability no longer allows him to charge unintended targets. Fixed an issue that allowed Chen's Storm, Earth, Fire spirits to remain stealthed while attacking. When playing The Lost Vikings, exiting Lt. Morales’ Medivac will no longer cause camera centering to become stuck. Fixed a rare issue with Abathur’s Monstrosity losing its AI in high latency situations.

Last Updated: Mar 21, 2016