Heroes of the Storm: Toys, Toys, Toys!

by on Dec 12, 2018

The Nexus toy event is now live, alongside armor and major XP changes!

There's a new Heroes of the Storm patch which brings major changes to Sylvanas and Stitches, while also making significant changes to armor.

Now, just like Movement Speed modifiers, the game will apply only the highest (or lowest) amount of Armor to a Hero at any given time. We've adjusted ability/talent Armor values on a per Hero basis to account for this change:

Not only that, there are huge changes to XP and the value of structures. 


When a team destroys a Fort, they'll now gain a Catapult in every 3rd Minion wave. NOTE: In order to keep early-game Catapults from being too devastating to defending teams, Catapult attack splash size, attack range, and damage/health will gradually increase as the game progresses.

Experience Changes

Removed all Experience earned from destroying a Fort or Keep Destroying a Fort or Keep will now provide your team with a stacking 20% increase in Passively-earned Experience NOTE: Towers of Doom is exempt from all Experience and Catapult changes. Decreased Experience earned from destroying Towers by 50% Passive Experience gain increased by 15% Increased Experience gained by defeating defending Mercenaries by 100% ​Hanamura Temple and Volsksaya Foundry Item Camps are excluded from this change. Laning Mercenary Experience Defeating Laning Mercenaries will now grant 100% of Defending Mercenaries Experience.

Developer Comment: Thank you so much for all of the feedback regarding the 2019 Gameplay Updates. While there is still a lot of community speculation about the outcome of these changes, there has been a resounding amount of concern about the loss of Fort and Keep XP. We agree that the complete loss of XP from Forts and Keeps may reduce the incentive to kill them to unhealthy levels, especially at higher levels of play. In response, we have reintroduced XP to the structures in a way that will reward players for taking them early while granting a gradual increase in power instead of large bursts. This should reinforce our goal of making matches closer while also rewarding teams for destroying enemy structures as quick as possible.

Developer Comment: After listening to feedback, we have decided to pull back the laning Mercenary change outlined in our 2019 gameplay updates in order to give winning teams more opportunities to pull ahead.


Boss Camps, Sentinel Camps (Hanamura Temple), and Support Camps (Volskaya Foundry) will now be flagged as Elite. Elite Mercenary Camps are Unstoppable & Unbribable

Unit Radii

The unit radius values for most Heroes has been reduced by 5-15%

Developer Comment: In an effort to improve visual clarity when many heroes are on-screen, we've updated the art for the Hero Ring displayed underneath heroes. To reinforce this effort, we've also done a pass on the Unit Radii for all heroes. We understand that these radius adjustments will have a minor but intended impact on landing and dodging abilities, and as a result, felt that the 2019 Gameplay Updates were the best time to make these changes.

Last Updated: Dec 12, 2018