How to Skip the "Back to Base" Loading Screen in XCOM 2

by on Feb 11, 2016

A new trick has been found that skips some of the game's long loading screens.

If you're on of the many people who found XCOM 2's loading screens a little long, this tricks for you. It was found by several members of the XCOM Reddit community and involves pressing a single button, the Caps Lock key. Unfortunately the trick only works on the cut scene played after missions in which you are headed back to base, but as that's one of the longer ones it's worth it nonetheless.

When the stats for the completed mission start showing on the holo-screen, press Caps Lock and the "Press any key to continue" should pop up immediately rather than you having to wait 5-8 seconds for it to load. It's a small time save, but in a game full of transitions and loading screens, it's a welcome one.

XCOM 2 has suffered from a variety of different performance issues that the developer Firaxis is currently trying to sort out and include a fix for in their next patch. Until then we can only hope to discover more little tricks like this to get us into the alien blasting bits as fast as possible.

Last Updated: Mar 21, 2016