Huge Black Friday Sale Coming in Heroes of the Storm

by on Nov 20, 2015

"Time works differently in the Nexus"

Blizzard Entertainment will be starting a "Black Friday sale" soon in Heroes of the Storm. Fortunately for the players, it lasts longer than one day, and there's no pushing and/or shoving required to take advantage of the deals!

From November 24th through December 8th, players in all regions will have access to these deals:

All Heroes, Mounts, and Skins will receive a 50% discount A new 360 Day Stimpack will be available at a deeply discounted price A new Second Chance Bundle will be available with the following items: Winter Veil Jaina Skin Greatfather Winter Rehgar Skin Reigndeer Mount Nazeebra Mount Lunar Tiger Mount Magic Carpet Mount


Before you ask why the Stimpack isn't 365 days to cover the whole year, it's because the bundle is technically 12 30-day Stimpacks put together. So, now that that's out of the way, all that's left is to take advantage of some sweet HotS-themed deals!

Last Updated: Mar 21, 2016