IGN - AoC Three Months After Launch

by on Aug 23, 2008

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IGN recently added a story examining Age of Conan three months after launch. The story also mentions some of the new content on the way for players hitting that lull in the level 50-80 area with a couple of new dungeons and Ymir's Pass.

It's been about three months since Funcom's Age of Conan launched, and according to product manager Erling Ellingson, the game has around 400,000 active players. At a booth on GC 2008's show floor the company was showing off some of the upcoming content in the game, including new dungeons, DirectX10 graphical features, and confirmation that an expansion pack is in development, though no real details were available.

You can read the full story here. Talk about it here.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016