Is Your Digital Photo Frame Stealing Your Account Info?

by on Feb 18, 2008

<strong>Dude, you got hacked by a gift from your Grandma.</strong>

Dude, you got hacked by a gift from your Grandma.

It very well could be. Massively reports that a number of digital photo frames (the things that display uploaded pictures from your computer in a traditional looking frame) that were sold this holiday season were shipped with some seriously nasty code that was programmed to steal account data from many popular online games.

Many digital photo frames sold at Best Buy, Target, Costco and Sam's Club have a particularly insidious trojan embedded in them - one designed to thieve your account information for a variety of online games.

One of the primo geek gifts of 2007, variations of these devices were bundled with darn near everything gadgety during the holidays. Some percentage of these contain a professionally written and very stealthy little gremlin that Computer Associates has dubbed Mocmex that is apparently capable of robustly concealing itself from many detection engines. This isn't an amateur-night special, by all reports. This is professional nastiness, with multiple variants.

Continue reading the story and join the discussion right here.

[Via Massively]

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016