Jeff Skalski Writes His First WAR Producer's Letter

by on Jul 15, 2009

Warhammer Online Producer Jeff Skalski picks up where Jeff Hickman left off with a detailed look at patch 1.3.0b. Big changes are planned and big content is coming! Check out what is on the...

Warhammer Online Producer Jeff Skalski picks up where Jeff Hickman left off with a detailed look at patch 1.3.0b. Big changes are planned and big content is coming! Check out what is on the agenda.

Crowd control changes:

* All Immunities Persist Through Death: Pretty simple one here, no more Stun -> Dead -> Rez -> Stun -> Dead.
* Increased Duration of Disable Immunities: Immunities for the disable family of CC (knockdown, stun, disarm, and silence) will have their immunity timers increased from 6 times the effect duration to 10 times the effect duration. In other words, if you are stunned for three seconds, in 1.3 you would have an 18-second immunity. With this change, that same immunity would be 30 seconds.
* Root Immunity and Knockback/Pull Immunity Combined: We're rolling root immunity and knockback/pull immunity together into a single "movement immunity" effect. This immunity will remain for 30 seconds, and will prevent you from things such as being pulled in, then immediately rooted in place, making it a much more tactical decision about whether it's better to stop an enemy in place or move them around.
* New Renown Purchase Ability: We are releasing a new Renown Point purchasable ability at Renown Rank 40 that will be a "CC immunity" that players can trigger for temporary CC immunity. This should help break up the "I get CC'd at the beginning of a fight and there is nothing I can do about it" issues.

Read up on what WAR will have in store for players soon in Jeff's first Producer's Letter!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016