Kate Edwards on Future IGDA Events

by on Apr 09, 2013

<p>Following the fallout of the IGDA co-sponsored party at GDC 2013, Executive Director Kate Edwards offers an update for the future.</p>

If you followed the news out of GDC 2013 this year, you no doubt at least heard about the fallout following the International Game Developers Association (IGDA) co-sponsored party with Yetizen that led to the resignation of several IGDA members.

In a new blog posted to Gamasutra, Edwards opened by offering an apology about the events and a look ahead at what people can expect from future IGDA events.

“By now, you’ve likely heard comments about a party the IGDA co-presented Tuesday, 26 March, during GDC week, Edwards wrote. We deeply regret that the IGDA was involved in this party as we do not condone activities that objectify or demean women or any other group of people.  And that happened at this event.”

In short, the IGDA will no longer host parties but networking events appropriate for everyone. The IGDA will continue to encourage diversity and inclusion at its events and be more cautious if selecting a partner for any possible future events.

Edwards also pledged to help draft a recommendation with the help of IGDA members on how industry companies can be more inclusive and to take a “walk out and talk out” approach to game industry events that she may attend and finds contrary to IGDA ideals.

You can read Edwards’ full blog at Gamasutra.

Source: The future of IGDA events

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016