Key Points of the Next Heroes of the Storm Patch

by on May 05, 2015

Game designer Matthew Cooper shed some light on the reasoning behind some changes coming to Heroes of the Storm.

Addressing some of the major changes in Heroes of the Storm in the 5/5 patch, game designer Matthew Cooper went into some detail about what's new in the Nexus. The full post with all of the context for the changes can be found here, but here are some of the key points:

Healing Ward OP - Healing Ward's health will now scale, and can be affected by AoE abilities. It will now be harder to body-block thanks to a higher targeting priority. Warrior Love - Diablo and ETC will have some Talent changes, as well as some buffs/nerfs to help them fit better into their Warrior roles Use the front door! - Abathur has some changes lined up to attempt to eliminate his almost zero-counterplay backdoor strategy You need to win more - Anub'arak has some quality of life changes set up to attempt to smooth out his gameplay You need to win less - Some minor nerfs are in store for the Lost Vikings, punishing them for having their Longboat destroyed You win an OK amount - Chen, Illidan, Murky and Sylvanas are all under the microscope, but Blizzard's internal metrics suggest they don't need to be changed right now. Though, they will be looking at making Sylvanas' Possession Heroic ability more viable, recognizing that most players feel Wailing Arrow is just about always the better choice.


Doing these Developer Insights articles is always appreciated, giving some behind the scenes context for why things change the way they do in any given patch. Time will tell how this particular patch will impact the game.

Last Updated: Mar 14, 2016