Known Issues List

by on Sep 22, 2006

Just Make Sure It's Decaf

Two more items for the Stormreach Under Siege Known Issues

Guard Branson is a slightly nervous fellow
and is prone to stress. If you try to talk to Guard Branson and he
doesn't respond this most likely indicates that he has had a nervous
meltdown. If this happens please alert the GMs by sending a help
request. We are very concerned with the mental well-being of our NPCs
and the GMs will send Guard Branson on a quick coffee-break. When he
returns he should be in a better frame of mind and will talk to players
once again. If you notice that your character is going through
an extra reload animation, use the right mouse button (or whatever key
you have bound to the attack function) to fire your weapon manually.
That should abort the animation and fire your weapon.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016