Legion Alpha Live and Playable

by on Nov 23, 2015

World of Warcraft's much anticipated Alpha has now gone live.

Finally, it has arrived. Based on numerous sources across the web, World of Warcraft: Legion has officially entered its alpha testing stage. While this is a small change from the beta we were promised by Blizzard developers at BlizzCon, it does mean that we are one step closer to Legion and getting out of the Warlords of Draenor rut. 

Haven't gotten your alpha invite? Be patient. Alpha tests usually only allow a very small number of players in. As the Alpha (and eventually Beta) progress, more invites will go out. Also keep in mind, the Alpha stages of testing take place very early in the development process, what you would see in game currently will likely not resemble the final product at all. While testing Alpha and Betas is fun, sometimes waiting for the finished product is well worth it. With that being said, these testing phases are very important to  creating an amazing game, if you do get an invite be sure to use your time providing feedback to help developers make Legion the best it can possibly be. 

Last Updated: Mar 21, 2016