Legion PvP Preview

by on Dec 17, 2015

Big changes are coming to PvP in World of Warcraft: Legion.

Big changes are coming to almost every aspect of World of Warcraft in the next expansion; Legion. Many of these changes were detailed at BlizzCon 2015, however, PvP was mostly glossed over. Today, in a blog post, developers revealed that PvP won't be immune to the changes. Here is a brief overview of the changes PvP will see in Legion: 

Honor and Conquest will no longer be currencies that you use to buy gear from vendors.  Completing Battlegrounds will now earn you Honor Points, much like how you earn Experience Points. Earning Honor Points will also increase your Honor Level.  Increasing your Honor Level will earn you epic rewards Gold, Artifact Power, and PvP-only Honor Talents that are only active when a player is in a PvP instance.  Stats on gear will be nullified as you zone into a PvP instance and you will be given a pre-determined set of stats that are uniquely configured for your specialization. This includes set bonuses, enchants, Legendary bonuses, and trinket effects.   This doesn't mean that you won't be getting gear in PvP, a similar system to the Strongbox system will be used to earn gear.  End-of-season PvP rewards will be handed out in Legions to the top percentage of players in each faction.  At Honor Level 50, players will have the option to  Prestige. This will reset your Honor Level back to 1 and restricts access to high level Honor Talents, however, it will open access to a number of other rewards.  Finally, two brand new maps will be added to the Arena. 

Like most other things in Legion, PvP is shaping up to look pretty sweet. For details check out the developers Legion PvP Preview

Last Updated: Mar 21, 2016