Lineage II: Looking Ahead

by on Sep 30, 2007

<strong>My crystal ball says that PvP is probably going to play some part in the future of the game.</strong> Tim Tan, North American Lineage II producer, chats a bit about what's in store for the future of Lineage 2.

My crystal ball says that PvP is probably going to play some part in the future of the game.

Tim Tan, North American Lineage II producer, chats a bit about what's in store for the future of Lineage 2.

One of our current goals is to interact more with the player base and get some really good feedback on the game and services of Lineage II. I think Alyra has done an excellent job so far in talking with everyone on the message boards and forwarding key points to me and the rest of the team. Another goal of ours is to try to be more open and provide timely information to our players. We’ve been using the monthly newsletter to give everyone a sneak peak at what’s going on in the upcoming month. We are also trying to participate in an increased number of interviews and developer chats so that players can get those burning questions answered. I’ve recently been able to meet up with a number of players at both the Penny Arcade Expo, and the NCsoft meet and greet here in Austin. I really enjoyed meeting players and listening to their feedback. I was truly amazed at the diversity of both the requests and the people.

Check it out at their official site.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016