Loremageddon Crashes Into WildStar

by on Oct 21, 2014

In September, the Narrative Design Team and Creative Director Chad Moore began a campaign asking the community for lore-based questions they could answer, which has in turn become a part of the WildStar website. The community could submit questions on the forums or directly tweeting Moore – @Pappylicious – using the #WSLoremageddon tag. The end result was over 500 different questions and a whole new lore compendium. WildStar has launched the initial start of Loremageddon (which hopefully they'll get a front page for soon, since it currently 403s from manual navigation), beginning with this statement from their press release:

Now that the dust has cleared, we are ready to show you what has been borne of this unforgettable lorepocalyspe. Prepare yourselves.

Starting today, we will be periodically releasing comprehensive lore about all of our playable races - presented in permanent web pages that will live on our existing web site. There will also be a dedicated web page where we will answer random questions that were not directly related to races. As time goes on, this page will continue to grow as more questions are asked and more lore is written to answer them.

To start things out, we are now releasing the pages for the Aurin and the Mechari and more will be coming in the following weeks. You can check them out at the links below!

Along with that quote, Carbine sent over links to the full post by Moore, in addition to direct links to both the Aurin and the Mechari pages for Loremageddon. In his post, Moore discusses how the response from the community when asked for their lore questions was so inspiring that Loremageddon took on a life of its own and went from a mere questioning of the community to a living, breathing pet project. What we see of the end result is only the beginning here: as WildStar's lore expands, so does the Loremageddon section of the website. Right now, we have the two pages for Aurin and Mechari, but not only is there more to come, but these pages will evolve over time as each race's story evolves. These pages have been created in mind to not be static, but to be fluid and progress as the game progresses.

The result is a completely comprehensive compendium that will surely answer any possible questions the most hardcore of lore nuts could come up with. Maybe you're just a curious person and want a good read over your lunch break? The depth of the lore for the Aurin and Mechari alone would probably take you a week to get through. If you want to know how the Mechari feel about Chua or the lifespan of the Aurin, everything about these two races can be found within these two pages. Also within these pages are nuggets and tidbits of lore reaching across the entire Nexus itself and not just restricted to the lives of the Aurin and Mechari.

What race would you want to see Carbine feature next for Loremageddon? Do you find these racial profiles interesting or do they bore you? Do you feel like the Goldilocks of lore here? How do you feel about the extra effort coming from Carbine to fill in the backstory for the world they created with WildStar?

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016