LOTRO’s Yule Festival Starts December 18th

by on Dec 04, 2013

<p>Get ready to celebrate the holidays with Turbine and <em>LOTRO</em> later this month with the return of the Yule Festival.</p>

Hobbits, dwarves, elves, humans and the rest of Middle-earth will soon be celebrating the holidays with the return of the festive Yule Festival in The Lord of the Rings Online (LOTRO). During the Yule Festival, players will have the chance to take part in various in-game events and obtain seasonal prizes that include cosmetics, crafting recipes, mounts, and more.

LOTRO’s Yule Festival begins on Wednesday, December 18th, 2013 and will continue through Tuesday, January 14th, 2014. You can get primed for some of the events from the previous Yule Festivals with our festive guide.

In addition to the Yule Festival, LOTRO Community Manager Rick “Sapience” Heaton confirmed that the 12.1 update is expected to release just prior to the festival update.

“Our current plan is for it to be before the festival. Some of the updates impact the festival. But I wouldn't say it's going to be much before the festival. We don't need downtime to start or stop most festivals.

I can say that 12.1 is going to be quite large. A lot of things being addressed.”

Source: LOTRO Forums

Last Updated: Mar 14, 2016