Mark Jacobs on the Sandbox Experience and Camelot Unchained

by on Mar 13, 2013

<p>Mark Jacobs discusses his vision for adopting sandbox features for <em>Camelot Unchained</em> and why it isn’t a pure sandbox game.</p>

Mark Jacobs has posted a new Camelot Unchained blog this week to talk about sandbox features and how they’ll be used to enhance his new upcoming title. While Camelot Unchained is not a pure sandbox, something that Jacobs feels many games that claim to be are not, it will embody some sandbox style features.

Jacobs touched on all the major points of the game during the blog, hitting everything from crafting, character progression, and the RvR system.

Back in my MUD days, I experimented with a crafting system for what was to be my third MUD, Aradath 2, where the properties of the items themselves determined what would happen when you combine them utilizing a more alchemic approach rather than a pre-set recipe-based manner. As I have said before, my goal is to implement a crafting system where the crafters are putting in the same amount of time into crafting as the RvRers are spending in combat and the implementation what amounts to an alchemy-based system for the creation of items aligns beautifully with that goal. I’m sure when people read this post they will also be reminded of what I wanted to do with WAR’s system and they would be right (and I know that will also scare some people but I expect and respect that) of course. We never came close to implementing the system I had hoped to do with that game but I still do believe that such a crafting system is possible for CU given both the very different natures of these games and the time and resources we are going to devote to it. 

You can read more from Jacobs in his full blog. His next topic will cover the “Gamers’ Bill of Rights”, so expect to possibly see that before the end of the week.

Source: Foundational Principle #11 – Sandboxes are great fun for kids and adults as well!

Last Updated: Mar 14, 2016