Mass Effect 3 Accidental Beta Leak Reveals New Gameplay Modes

by on Nov 07, 2011

<p>A slipup by Microsoft leads to leaks that reveal three new campaign play modes for <em>Mass Effect 3</em>.

If you don’t mind a few possible spoilers keep on reading.

It seems that there will be more than one way to play BioWare’s Mass Effect 3 finale. According to a report from Eurogamer, Microsoft slipped up and released an early version of the game to some Xbox 360 owners. The report came via a thread on NeoGaf in which gamers published videos of the leaked version that have since been deleted. But here is the skinny.

The early of Mass Effect 3 version contained three play modes for the campaign – Action, Story and RPG.

Action Mode is a more action style of play that focuses more on action and combat than story, apparently even going as far as selecting your dialogue choices for you.

Story Mode focuses more on the story of Mass Effect and less on the action and minimizes combat difficulty.

RPG Mode is essentially a mix of both. You play the game in all its glory both story and action wise.

As no good leak goes unaddressed, BioWare’s Jesse Houston posted a response to the Microsoft gaff on the BioWare forums.

Hello everyone!

As most of you know by now, this evening an accidental leak occurred of some early Mass Effect 3 beta code.  Microsoft has advised us that through human error at their end, content which was meant for internal beta testing was flagged incorrectly and released to individuals who had signed up for the beta of the Xbox Live dashboard update.  It has since been taken down and deactivated.

We’d like to stress that the leaked code is in a rough, unfinished state and was not meant for public release. The content is not final, and is not reflective of the quality of the finished, polished game due for release on March 6, 2012 (March 9 in Europe).

One feature that was present in this early build is a set of game play modes that are in development. In the beta code they are referred to as “action mode”, “story mode” and “RPG mode”. We want to stress that these features are still in the early stages of development and will receive considerable iteration and refinement. These modes are designed to give players an even finer degree of control over their game experience than ever before.  Whether it be someone who finds the combat difficult but wants to experience the amazing story, someone who wants to focus on the action and combat game play, or fans who want the rich, story-driven RPG Mass Effect experience they’ve come to love – Mass Effect 3 will support all of these options.  We’ll have more info in the days ahead!


via Eurogamer

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Last Updated: Mar 14, 2016