Midsummer Fire Festival

by on Jun 24, 2006

<strong> In the Heat of the Night!</strong>

In the Heat of the Night!

Across Azeroth, brilliant bonfires have been lit to signify the hottest months of the year. The chosen Flamekeepers are eager to ensure they continue burning long into the days and nights of the celebration - and they seek the aid of able explorers in doing so. Traverse the land and delve into dangerous dungeons at their behest. You may return hot, sweaty, and a little sooty...but these spiritual guides understand well the need to reward their adventurers beyond the promise of "enlightenment."

The lengthy Midsummer Fire Festival traditionally ends with the sky itself being set alight. The goblins of Undermine have lent their considerable skill (and copious amounts of gunpowder) to the task, resulting in a tremendous fireworks show! Take up a festival mug and raise a toast to the season as the multicolored explosions dance across the sky above you!

Be sure to take the time out of your busy Raiding or PVP schedule to enjoy some of the great content put in place by Blizzard during the Midsummer Fire Festival! With many cool buffs, items, clothes and food, the fun will only last so long, so make sure you get out and experience it!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016