Monthly "Report Cards" Coming to League of Legends in 2016

by on Dec 09, 2015

The Tribunal will return.

While there are current projects (such as the new champion select) that currently have the highest priority for League of Legends, it's good to know that Riot Games is still working hard on the player behavior side of things. On his, Lead Game Designer of Social Systems Jeffrey "Lyte" Lin confirmed as much.

When asked about a "report card" so players could see how much effect their reports (of other players) were having, Lin responded:

"We generally agree with some type of monthly report card, and we've designed elements of this into the new Tribunal voting system. So, basically a web profile you can visit to see your contributions to the community and how you made it a better environment. We're hoping to get this out in early 2016, but we're still wrapping up the new Champ Select."

He's also noted that about 20% of the player base is not interested in receiving notifications when players they reported were punished, which is why the team seems to be aiming to make this report card something a player can choose to look at it when they see fit. Of course, many players want to know that their reports had real consequences for overly negative members of the community, and once this feature is rolled out, they'll be able to do just that, and on a more consistent basis.

For now, enjoy your games, be a positive influence in the community, and don't be the reason someone finds out their report caused a player to get banned!

Last Updated: Mar 14, 2016