MTV Discovers WoW Weather

by on Apr 05, 2006

<p><strong>MTV discovers another non-music channel. </strong></p> <p>Stephen Totilo of has delved deep into the music archives to write an article about weather in <em>World of Warcraft</em>. </p> <blockquote> &quot;Kaplan said Blizzard's weathe

MTV discovers another non-music channel.

Stephen Totilo of has delved deep into the music archives to write an article about weather in World of Warcraft.

"Kaplan said Blizzard's weather team — game designers accustomed to being the godlike architects of the worlds they create — talked about a system that would have them decreeing the weather day by day, but opted to set up a program and leave the weather patterns to computerized number-crunching. "If we were to sort of handpick the weather for each day, we would probably do it in such a way that you wouldn't notice that someone was handpicking it, in which case it's like, 'Why go through that trouble in the first place?' " Kaplan said."

You can read Game Developers Unleash A Storm on World of Warcraft Players on

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016