Mythic Employees Shocked at Mark Jacobs' Departure

by on Jun 25, 2009

<p>A former Mythic employee spoke out recently about Mark Jacobs' departure from EA Mythic after the newly formed Mythic and Bioware studio announcement yesterday. The unnamed source told...</p>

A former Mythic employee spoke out recently about Mark Jacobs' departure from EA Mythic after the newly formed Mythic and Bioware studio announcement yesterday. The unnamed source told Massively:

"I can't even fathom Mark leaving a company he loved so much, it was his life. Personally, I can't see that this is voluntary in any shape or form.

The source went on to tell Massively that the team at Mythic is looking forward to working with the team from Bioware and that the move was best for both companies.

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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016