Naxxrammas Attunement

by on Jun 14, 2006

Everyone getting ready and excited about the new Undead instance coming your way?

Everyone getting ready and excited about the new Undead instance coming your way? Naxxrammas is being heavily looked forward to not only for the new Tier 3 armour and amazing content designed by Blizzard, but also for the new challenges and techniques guilds face, such as collecting enough Shadow resisit and Frost resist gear. Anyone that even wants to step near the instance however, must do a attunement key quest, similair to the Onyxia key, but with higher reputation, it becomes easier! Better start getting ready now!

Revered - 2 Nexus Crystals, 1 Arcane Crystal, 30 Gold
Honored- 5 Arcane Crystals, 2 Nexus Crystals, 1 Righteous Orb, 60 Gold

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016