NEStalgia Mixes Old School RPGs with Modern MMORPG Mechanics

by on Feb 25, 2011

<p>Some players have been asking for an old school MMORPG and the Silk Games has listened.

Some players have been asking for an old school MMORPG and the Silk Games has listened. And believe me; they don't get much more old school than NEStalgia. The game serves up a dose of old school Nintendo Entertainment System RPGs mixed with new MMORPG elements. So if Rift and World of Warcraft just aren't doing it for you, maybe a mix of Dragon Warrior combined with PvE and PvP MMORPG elements are just what you're looking for. Check out the NEStalgia trailer below for a look at an old meets new MORPG mix.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016