New HUD Will Be Going Live With Patch 5.14

by on Jul 16, 2015

It's finally ready!

Over a month ago, we were first able to report on the new HUD that was going to the League of Legends PBE. Today, it has been announced that it will be shipping with patch 5.14. The HUD will immediately go live in non-ranked queues for a few days of testing, and will then be implemented across all game modes once they're sure there are no remaining issues. There are some changes that have been made since this first appeared on the PBE. Below is Riot's full change list:

Teammate ult timers - we’ve added in timers that indicate when your allies can use their ults! Before the update, this was just represented by a binary green light, but you’ll see the ult timers fill up with the update, meaning you can more accurately figure out when it’s time to wombo. Teammate summoner spell timers - hit the tab key at any point and you’ll see if your allies can use their spells, and, if not, how long until they can. Teammate mana bars have returned - we left out allied mana bars with the update, thinking they weren’t super important. We were wrong, you guys let us know, and they’re back in now. Persistence - if you open champion stats or latency display during a game, it’ll persist between matches. Level up ceremony - we added a bunch of animations and sounds to make sure you know when you ding. Spellbar clarity - made some pretty hefty changes to the shape, color, and animation of cooldown, loss of control and out of mana to improve readability. Minimap changes - game time feels like it belongs near the minimap because timing is usually related to map objectives, but ultimately playtests and feedback have shown it's a more natural fit in the top corner. Visual style - we’re all for minimal, but we may have overshot it. We’ve since tried to squeeze in more magic through texture work and animation. Accessibility - added camera lock and options buttons back in.


This HUD certainly looks different than the current one, but a lot of changes have been made in the name of improvement. What are your thoughts? Are you looking forward to it going live?

Last Updated: Mar 21, 2016