New Round of Warhammer Beta Invite Have Gone Out

by on Feb 04, 2008

<strong>If you didn't get one, you're just out of luck. Sorry.</strong>

If you didn't get one, you're just out of luck. Sorry.

The Warhammer Online team announced that they've sent out a new round of beta invites this weekend, so make sure to check your inbox! There was a small snafu where they accidentally sent stuff to people that aren't in the beta too, so before you get all excited, confirm that your e-mail is actually an invite.


No, you're not dreaming!

We've sent out a handful of invites to folks who have been waiting for a while now and met our current eligibility requirements. This includes event attendees, contest winners, and various other associations.

Read more at the Warhammer Online site.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016