New World Has Taken To Banning Players Who Discuss How It Used To Be

by on Feb 20, 2020

It's not a good look for New World, surely?

While I appreciate that New World has changed considerably, I find it surprising that news has come to light that its moderators, over on its forums, have begun to ban players who reminisce over how the game used to be


What’s particularly strange about this, is that it simply fails to acknowledge that some of the things the team used to do, was good. Instead, it’s as if everything that came before the major shift, doesn’t even exist. 

To remove people from the test who use previous versions as examples of feedback, is downright bizarre. Fundamentally, it’s almost as if the development team know what came before is better than what they now have, but want to shut down any discussion around it, so that there’s only yes-men on the boards. 

If you also consider that the game has less than 25,000 Followers on Twitter, and has taken to paying to promote their Tweets (even though it barely gets any traction, even though), I’m nervous for the game. When you also throw in hands-on impressions from the likes of IGN, which pretty much confirms the PvE is terrible, it really doesn’t bode well. 

Last Updated: Feb 20, 2020