No New Classes Coming to Hearthstone

by on Jul 07, 2015

At least, not for the foreseeable don't hold your breath.

With the announcement of an announcement on the 22nd of this month, fans have been speculating what will be introduced to Hearthstone. The most popular (and seemingly most likely) theory is a new expansion, but that hasn't stopped players from wondering if there might be anything else. The idea that we might be getting a new class soon, or even any time this year, has been quashed by Senior Game Designer Ben Brode.



This shouldn't be incredibly shocking news, as even the idea of having more than 9 deck slots still seems like little more than a fantasy. On a more serious note, game balance can be an incredibly delicate thing; introducing a new class doesn't only require balancing that one class, but the rest of the game around it as well. It's certainly not impossible, but it's no simple matter, either. On the surface, it would appear to make more sense to focus on the 9 classes that exist, and work on expanding the game around those. For those worried about the game being stale, just wait until the new set is (most likely) revealed.

Last Updated: Mar 21, 2016