OGaming Interviews Jørgen Tharaldsen

by on Dec 30, 2005

<a href="http://www.ogaming.com/data/3538~funcom.php">OGaming has a really good interview up with Funcom's product director Jørgen Tharaldsen .</a><blockquote>OGaming: Why do you think you've become a major player in the online gaming space? <br /> <br /

OGaming has a really good interview up with Funcom's product director Jørgen Tharaldsen .

OGaming: Why do you think you've become a major player in the online gaming space?

Jørgen Tharaldsen: I would say dedication to quality in our products, as well as honesty and respect towards our customers and everyone we deal with. At the same time we have been willing to innovate. Not just for the sake of innovation, but for the sake of furthering the goals of our company; making our games more fun and our business approaches more effective. I guess I shouldn't forget all the late nights and hard work everyone at Funcom puts in as well. There are so many other aspects to this though, but I guess the aforementioned ones put some words to it.

First Anarchy Online (which is a really good game if not a bit complicated) and now Age of Conan. Funcom is looking toward the future and we will see really great things from them.

More on Age of Conan

More on Anarchy Online

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016