Overwatch Lucio Gameplay Preview

by on Aug 11, 2015

Overwatch introduces a new hero in the international superstar Lucio.

We're closely approaching the autumn months when Blizzard has said they will be starting their Overwatch beta and we're still just learning about additional heroes. Lucio is the latest hero to get a gameplay preview video which shows off his many audio based abilities.

Lucio has a song for nearly every occasion. A sonic projectile that deals damage to foes caught in it's blast. He can play a song to increase nearby teammates speed or health regeneration, and his ultimate which provides a protective shield in the form of a sound barrier, absorbing damage while it lasts.

Lucio's back story paints him as a man of the people. When an evil multinational corporation makes promises it doesn't keep and tries to surpress the people, Lucio drives them out with his beastly power ballads and becomes an international sensation in the process.

Last Updated: Mar 21, 2016