Overwatch's Lack of Sombra Emotes Explained

by on Nov 10, 2016

Jeff Kaplan tackles the real reason behind Sombra's dearth of expression

If you felt spurned by a lack of emotes for Overwatch's newest character, notably boop and sit, Overwatch Game Director Jeff Kaplan assures you that plenty of cosmetics are on the way:

We'll add more stuff over time. When a new hero comes out, it's unlikely that they'll have as many cosmetic options as the already established heroes, especially over time.

But we love making this stuff so we'll make more motes/skins/sprays/icons/intros/poses as time goes on.

In possibly separate but related news, Overwatch lead hero designer Geoff Goodman revealed that Overwatch already has an LGBT character. He or she is still in the closet for the time being, however.

Last Updated: Nov 10, 2016