Pantheon Tweaks Kickstarter Tiers and Shows Off Day/Night Screens

by on Jan 23, 2014

<p><em>Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen</em> adds a new Kickstarter tier and offers a glimpse at the differences between night and day.</p>

Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen is over 25% funded on Kickstarter and the team recently served up another pair of updates that open with a preview of two new screenshots to showcase the different appearance of the Sunken Sanctum during the day and night. In addition to the two new screens, Visionary Realms also added more pledge tiers to the Pantheon Kickstarter with the Journeyman, a combination of the Paragon and Pathfinder’s Pledge, and the Cartographer’s Pledge.

“The Cartographer's tier will get you into alpha and beta, name reservation, pledger's forum access post-kickstarter, two copies of the game, 'Pantheon Explorer' and 'Pantheon Founder' titles, the tunic, the mount, the pet AND a limited edition cloth map.”

Visionary Realms also posted the player's role in the Pantheon story.

Every player in the Pantheon universe is a “fallen hero” that has “risen” upon Terminus to begin new adventures in a strange land. When the planar collisions erupted and fragments of worlds were transported to Terminus, many lives were lost along the way, left adrift within the void between here and there. Many of these souls were too fragile to survive and were lost forever. But for those who were strong enough, divine rescue would come. Nexus did not abandon those souls and so she reached into the void in search of the fallen heroes. Plucking them from a sea of nothing she deposited them upon her world of Terminus. There the fallen have risen and are left to discover the fates of the fragments of their origin worlds that most assuredly preceded their arrival centuries before. But their ties to Terminus not only rest in chunks of home worlds, but also the legendary artifacts that each hero once called their own. Lost in the world of worlds, their artifacts wait to be reclaimed, as do those of other heroes that were not so fortunate to find refuge upon the world of Terminus.

Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen has currently risen over $200k of its $800k Kickstarter goal with 30 days to go.

Source: Pantheon Kickstarter

Last Updated: Mar 14, 2016