Paragon: WarDrum Teased On Stream

by on Aug 16, 2016

Blink and you'd miss it - WarDrum walked on screen during today's stream.

With the exception of Greystone, every single newly revealed Hero - over the last few months - have been incredible in Paragon. WarDrum, the anticipated new Hero that was recently datamined, sounds particularly good. We haven't actually seen anything of him until today and even then, it was only a very brief showing on stream. Take a look.

Thanks to Xi4 over on the Paragon sub-Reddit, there's also some further information on him:

His Primary Attack "swings" something. He has a shield. He has some drums he plays on. (Cymbal, LargeDrum, LeftTom, RightTom) He can throw something with an ability. Both the throw and the shield cause him to yell. He can "dash". (Quick run towards something - Thanks to _Lynx for the explanation) His shield causes Health Regen and a periodic beat and seems to be an Aura. His passive is named "Concussion" or has "Concussion".

Last Updated: Aug 16, 2016