Patch notes for upcoming 1.10.2 release

by on Apr 21, 2006

Blizzard has announced several changes coming up in the 1.10.2 patch. They are now live and being tested on the public test realms. Here is a sample of what is coming:<br />

Blizzard has announced several changes coming up in the 1.10.2 patch. They are now live and being tested on the public test realms. Here is a sample of what is coming:


- Guild Recruitment channel functionality has been improved to be turned off for players already in guilds, and turned on for players not in guilds by default.
- Fixed a bug which caused players to drop from combat after destroying a totem.
- Fixed a soft-lock bug that occurred under certain conditions when players were near ships, zeppelins, elevators, and the Deeprun Tram.

For the complete patch notes, check out our WoW Patch Notes section.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016