Patch preview

by on Oct 20, 2004

Tigole from the WoW Beta boards posted the following update today with information regarding what is likely to be in the next patch.

Tigole from the WoW Beta boards posted the following update today with information regarding what is likely to be in the next patch. As a paladin player I am very happy that they are finally being addressed.

Blizzard: We are having Info withdrawal

Ok, here's just a SMALL TASTE of upcoming stuff. I don't want you guys freaking out though. Last time I posted a preview, everyone complained about the stuff I didn't mention. Keep in mind, there are LOTS of people working on LOTS of different areas.

Here's a small sample of upcoming stuff:

--Hunter Talents and improvements
--Pally Talents and improvements (very cool changes!)
--Some *awesome* changes to the warrior
--Tons of trade skill polish
--Lots more quests... newbie zone polish, plus additional Horde content in the re-vamped Kalimdor zones (ashenvale, desolace, stonetalon, etc.)
--More flight paths
--More Graveyards
--Onyxia >=]

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016