Penny Arcade Creators Announce PAX 10

by on Mar 03, 2008

<strong>If they were clever, they'd call it PAXX.</strong> The guys behind the popular Penny Arcade comic recently announced a new showcase for their annual Penny Arcade Expo convention.

If they were clever, they'd call it PAXX.

The guys behind the popular Penny Arcade comic recently announced a new showcase for their annual Penny Arcade Expo convention.

The creators of the online Penny Arcade comic have announced The PAX 10, a showcase of independent games to be displayed in cooperation with the DigiPen Institute of Technology at the upcoming Penny Arcade Expo.

Independent developers who wish to participate can submit their game creations for consideration until May 7, 2008.

A panel of fifty industry experts, including Penny Arcade's own Gabe and Tycho, will select the ten best submissions in terms of gameplay and "fun factor" for inclusion in The PAX 10 - to be shown in the PAX Exhibit Hall. Show attendees will vote on one of the exhibited games to be honoured by the "Audience Choice Award."

Check it out at the press release.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016